On The Rise: Goalball

CITY SUBURBAN NEWS              May 4 – May 10 2016 On The Rise: Goalball   By David Block Blind and sight impaired athletes often play familiar sports with modifications, but one sport developed with blindness in mind is taking hold around the world. In beep...

Tisha B’av: The Saddest Day On The Jewish Calendar

Observing Tisha B’av: The Saddest Day On The Jewish Calendar By David Block   Summer is a joyous time for most people. It is vacation time. no school!   The International Gazette         Philadelphia, PA  August 2014    Observing Tisha B’av: The Saddest Day On...

Special Promise to dying Blind Woman Produces Great Results

SPORTS AND RECREATION Sandy White: One Promise–Many Results by David Block, Ardmore, Pennsylvania             Some people devote their lives to a cause that doesn’t involve financial rewards. Seventy-six-year-old Sandy White of Bear, Delaware, is a shining...

Blind Psychologist Helps Others See Solutions

Dialogue Magazine Fall 2013 WORK MATTERS Blind Psychologist Helps Others See Solutions By David Block, Ardmore, Pennsylvania When a series of detached retinas left Andre Watson completely blind by age 11, his mother became overprotective. She rarely allowed him to go...
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