Photo by Kanchoufk

Discovering how adversity makes you stronger can be a life-changing experience that any of us can greatly benefit and grow from the things that we learn from our struggles.

Being a blind individual from birth, I, David Y. Block, author of the book Born Blind: The Traumas and the Triumphs, am quite acquainted with adversity and hardships. True to my book’s thesis of sharing my emotional journeys through personal adversity, I do believe that hardships do help us grow and develop.

Now, I’d like for everyone to join me as I talk a bit more about the ways that adversity makes us more mentally tough and become a better person.

Adversity Teaches Us How We Can Cope With Stress

We gain the ability to control our emotions and responses to challenging circumstances when we encounter them. This can strengthen our resilience and better prepare us to face obstacles in the future. You can think of dealing with adversity as a roadmap to personal growth.

We Can Only Develop a Mindset of Growth With Resilience from Adversity

The idea that we can get better and develop via work and education is known as a growth mindset. Failure and adversity can aid in the development of this mindset by demonstrating to us our capacity to overcome challenges and grow from our errors.

People Can Assess and Take Risks When Faced With Adversity

It can be easy to play things safe and refrain from taking chances when faced with hardship. However, once we do take chances and acknowledge the potential for failure, we develop an acceptance of ambiguity and a stronger sense of resilience.

image of a child carrying the rubber of a wheel as he stands in front of a camera to show how adversity makes you stronger
Photo by Abubakar Ogaji

Folks Learn the Value of Persistence Through Adversity

Failure and adversity can be demoralizing and disheartening, but they additionally teach us the importance of tenacity. When we persevere in pursuing our objectives in the midst of obstacles, we develop greater resilience and persistence.

By learning how adversity makes you stronger, you can use your emotional journeys through personal adversity to your advantage. This is one of the best ways that adversity and failure make you mentally tough.

The Hardships We Experience Aids Us to Learn From Our Errors

We have the chance to consider what transpired that led to the error and draw lessons from our experiences when we fail or make mistakes. This makes us more self-aware and more capable of overcoming obstacles in the future.

Resilience Is Valuable When Building Character, and Adversity Teaches Us to be Tough

Failure and adversity can be challenging, but they additionally give us the mental fortitude and fortitude we need to face obstacles in the future. We get more resilient and stronger as a whole when we learn how to overcome hardship and overcome setbacks.

Our Struggles Help Us Get a Sense of Perspective

Adversity and failure can cause us to become mired in our own issues and challenges. However, by stepping back and considering the wider picture, we can acquire perspective and understand that our difficulties are but a small portion of life’s greater fabric.

Post-Traumatic Growth Is Real and Is Triggered by Adversity

If you are familiar with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), raise your hand. Most individuals know about PTSD. If you are familiar with post-traumatic growth (PTG), raise your hand. The experience of good change following a highly stressful incident is known as post-traumatic growth.

Five recurring patterns that individuals tend to report following a highly stressful incident have been identified by researchers:

1. Stronger, more meaningful relationships

2. Enhanced personal strength

3. Spiritual growth

4. Recognizing new paths for your life

5. Renewed appreciation for life It’s crucial to remember that PTG does not guarantee that participants will not experience trauma. Many individuals, if not most of them, still feel pain and fervently wish the incident had never occurred. Although the number of cases of PTG is difficult to determine, it is by no means an uncommon or infrequent occurrence.

image of a father and child among the hundreds of refugees presenting how adversity makes you stronger
Photo by Ahmed akacha

Final Thoughts on How Adversity Makes You Stronger: Don’t Run Away

In summary, failure and difficulty are inevitable aspects of life. However, they may also render us more resilient and strong.

Through stress management techniques, growth mindset cultivation, risk-taking, perseverance, learning from errors, and perspective development, we can strengthen our mental fortitude and improve our capacity to face obstacles in the future.

If you’re looking for a book that is centered around emotional journeys through personal adversity, then buy a copy of Born Blind: The Traumas and the Triumphs. Click here to get the book today, and don’t forget to read some of my other blogs as well!

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