Abandoned Heroes (2008)


“Let us care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.” – Abraham Lincoln Second Inaugural, March 4, 1865

If Lincoln were alive today, he would be shocked.

Abandoned Heroes demonstrates how certain U.S. veterans return home to a thankless nation. For bravely serving the U.S. when Uncle Sam called, VA doors slammed in their faces. No financial compensation, no jobs offered, no place to live. The U.S. veterans, from Valley Forge to Operation Iraqi Freedom, were abandoned.



“Let us care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.” – Abraham Lincoln Second Inaugural, March 4, 1865

If Lincoln were alive today, he would be shocked.

Abandoned Heroes demonstrates how certain U.S. veterans return home to a thankless nation. For bravely serving the U.S. when Uncle Sam called, VA doors slammed in their faces. No financial compensation, no jobs offered, no place to live. The U.S. veterans, from Valley Forge to Operation Iraqi Freedom, were abandoned.

Abandoned Heroes is the overdue voice of veterans, crying out for justice. This disturbing documentary is the true account of veterans helping other veterans after organizations that were supposed to help, failed miserably.


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